2012 Calendar
Twelve Months of the Apocalypse

This tongue-in-cheek antidote playfully badgers the notion of the worlds’ end while simultaneously referencing the Mayan calendar and the 16th century slant on the twelve days of Christmas, at which point the days leading to the New Year cleanse society of its evil appetite. 

This calendar reads from the outside in, beginning with January as our month of famine. Skeletons line the long and treacherous inauguration of these destructive days leading up to our demise! As we make our way towards the earth, clever iconography tells the tale of voodoo, disease and major catastrophes not to mention an unexpected visit from our extraterrestrial neighbors! 

To decrypt the calendar look for the opposing colored icons representing each Sunday, setting the tone for a new yet unyielding week ahead. And as you drudge through towards the finish line, take note of the days after December 20th, morphing into x’s, declaring dooms day is now upon us! It’s every person for themself!!!


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